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This command is available on all linux systems and has a lot of arguments. The most important argument is host address. See the arguments decription below.
HOST is a DNS lookup utility. You can use it to convert names to IP addresses and vice versa. It is similar to DIG and NSLOOKUP. This command is available on all linux distributives. There are several arguments. You can find decription of the arguments below. NS server Optional argument, can be an IP or domain of name server.
All Not set. Verbose mode Not set. This command tracks the route packets taken from an IP network on their way to a given host. ICMP or UDP packets are used. See the command arguments below. Fragmentation Not set auto. ICMP Not set UDP probes. TCP Not set. Map IP Not set auto. Port For UDP specifies the destination port. Geoiplookup arguments and description.
A preparsed WHOIS database is used for detecting the location of IP or domain. There are a lot of independent geoip databases in the Internet, so the same host can have different locations in those databases. The command has only one argument - host address. Host Requierd argument, can be an IP address only. The DIG command is a part of BIND package, available on all linux distributives.
It is used for querying Domain Name Servers DNS using standard operating system libraries and display answers from these DNS servers. Domain Information Groper DIG is useful for troubleshooting DNS issues. You can find DIG arguments below. NS server Requierd argument, can be an IP or domain name. Trace Not set. Tcp Not set. Ignore Not set. AA only Not set. AD flag Not set. CD flag Not set.
Show class Not set. Show TTL Not set. Answer Not set. Comments Not set. Recurse Not set. Short Not set. Cmd Not set. Identify Not set. Stats Not set. Authority Not set. Additional Not set. Multiline Not set. One SOA Not set. Fail Not set. Best effort Not set. DNSSEC Not set. EDNS ID request Not set. This is the search mode - you can use it to find references to any host in our cache.
Just type the specified host and hit enter or click the button. NSLOOKUP is a programm for querying NS server for a specified domain. This tool is commonly used for detecting the IP address of the domain A record , but can be used for receiving other NS records.
It is very similar to DIG command. Unlike DIG, NSLOOKUP is based on its own resolver library. Host Requierd argument, specifies the host about which is querying the information. NS server Optional argument, specifies which NS server to query. Type Not set. A IPv4 address. AAAA IPv6 address. ANY any record. CNAME cannonical name. MX mail exchanger record.
NS name server record. PTR pointer record. SOA start of authority record. SRV service record. TXT text information records. Port Optional argument, specifies the NS server port 53 by default. Debug Not set. Debug2 Not set. PING is the network command, which lets you check whether or not the host is alive and responding. The special protocol ICMP is used for pinging.
See RFC for ICMP protocol details. You can find the command arguments below. Host Requierd argument, can be an IP or domain name.
Protocol Not set auto. Packet size By default it is 56 bytes, which translates into 64 ICMP data bytes 8 bytes of ICMP header are added. Map IP Not set. MTU Not set. Timestamp Not set.
WHOIS searches Whois servers for the object domain or IP. The special WHOIS protocol is used for querying the Whois servers. See RFC for the protocol specification. This command is available on all linux systems and has a lot of arguments. The most important argument is host address. See the arguments decription below. HOST is a DNS lookup utility. You can use it to convert names to IP addresses and vice versa. It is similar to DIG and NSLOOKUP.
This command is available on all linux distributives. There are several arguments. You can find decription of the arguments below. NS server Optional argument, can be an IP or domain of name server. All Not set. Verbose mode Not set. This command tracks the route packets taken from an IP network on their way to a given host.
ICMP or UDP packets are used. See the command arguments below. Fragmentation Not set auto.
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